
The relationship between cloud adoption and app modernization

Just like a business must constantly change and adapt in response to new challenges and opportunities, so too must business applications. Digital transformation, or the changes that come with the adoption of digital technology in every aspect of society, is fast approaching critical mass. And if there is one thing that the last year has made clear, it is the fact that cloud adoption is how businesses of all shapes and sizes implement their own digital transformation.

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X number of reasons to modernize your applications

When you are talking about the future success of your business, you don’t think about the legacy of your business being the outdated IT infrastructure you’ve managed to keep running for all these years. And yet many businesses today have failed to take the steps needed to modernize their applications.

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Automation Trends

New technology enables new possibilities. But every advancement in technology also increases demands on our time as we struggle to keep up with the evolving landscape.
Just think about how long you spent on social media 20 years ago and how much of your time it takes up now. As the amount of data, computing power, and capabilities of technology increase, so do the challenges for businesses to keep up with the pace.

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Refactor-Replatform Dilemma

In the months to come, companies of all shapes and sizes will be looking to start or accelerate their digital transformation, and that means adopting full-stack or hybrid cloud technology. As they start putting their digital transformation and cloud migration strategies together, they are finding that they must consider modernizing their applications.

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Why trust is not something you can afford to give freely

The problem with remote work is that it drastically expands the cyberattack surface, introducing new cybersecurity risks that many organizations are unprepared to tackle. In 2020, during the height of the pandemic and remote work, cyberattack incidents skyrocketed across all industries. The 2021 Global Threat Report shows a dramatic increase in interactive intrusion activities throughout the year.

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Why hybrid cloud is the right model to choose

Remote access for customers and employees is now a key driver in business — particularly in financial and banking spheres — supporting flexibility and agility for organizations. Similarly, business owners need to be able to access, store and interpret datasets on a large scale. These requirements are very difficult to achieve with a traditional, on-premises data storage and processing model. The cloud provides a forward- thinking alternative.

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IBM’s MAAS360 with Watson — Zero-Trust Access Best Practice

In the last two years, there has been a rapid evolution of remote access as organizations have needed to find a way to continue their operations without office-based personnel. As we leave the traditional office behind, we must consider the cybersecurity threats we are exposing ourselves to. Adopting a Zero-Trust strategy becomes imperative.

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